
We are here for you!  We are still here holding the light and love for our community, so please, come in or watch our recorded services on our Facebook Page. Our service is on Sunday mornings at 10:00 am so please come and be a part of our worship service with Rev. Denise Landes and Rev. James Crowley.

Click Here for Past Sunday Services on YouTube

From the Daily Word:  “The Grace of God is with me always”

Love and blessings.

Click Here to listen to Sunday’s message.

Click Here for a 10-Minute Meditation for Peace

Click Here for Unity Calendar

Visit our YouTube Channel

Unity Light of Grace is a very loving and supportive community.  You can tell that as soon as you walk through the door.  We have created a very safe and loving environment for people to deepen their connection with God and to explore their spirituality.  We are a Bible-based church that is dedicated to living and teaching all the spiritual principles taught in the Bible.  It is amazing to figure out how these Bible stories connect to our everyday lives. We believe in the divinity of Jesus and believe that same divinity dwells within all of us.  Jesus tells us in the Bible, “these things I do, you can do, and even greater things” and this is the truth that we live by.

The foundation of our church has always been based on prayer.  Prayer is the most powerful tool we can ever use.  It is our direct connection to God’s power and presence.  The co-founders of Unity, Charles, and Myrtle Fillmore, started the Unity movement based upon the power of prayer. After Myrtle healed herself from tuberculosis with prayer, the Fillmore’s soon had a small prayer group and through prayer, they could see amazing things happening in the lives of so many people.  Unity of Surprise continues with that same dedication to prayer.

We honor diversity and welcome all people with open arms.  We lovingly support and encourage people to grow in their spiritual divinity and to live life to its fullest potential.  We believe we are not here to struggle through life.  We are all here to live a life of grace.  A life filled with joy, peace, love, and prosperity.  Please know that Unity Light of Grace is here to love and support you in your journey with God.  You are the light of world, so come and shine your light with us!  It would be great to have you become a part of our church family.

“Our Family is a circle of love and strength. With every union, the circle grows. Every joy shared adds more love. Every crisis faced together makes the circle stronger.” ~ Anonymous

Welcome to Unity Light of Grace Spiritual Center!

If… You are interested in learning and living the principles of “Practical” Christianity…

If… You would like spiritual solutions for life’s challenges…

If… You want support and encouragement to live to your full potential with perfect health, work you love to do, peaceful harmonious relationships and prosperity to meet your every need…

If… You want to discover the power of prayer to create a life of greater good…

If… You honor diversity and value worshiping, learning, and growing in a safe, love-filled, fun environment…

Then… join us for the Good and Growth that happens at Unity of Surprise! We may be just the Spiritual Community you’re looking for.

Come grow with ‘US’!


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